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May 2, 2012

Monument "Motherland" in Kiev

   Taking the advantage of warm nice days we visit interesting places in Kiev to tell you more about them. 
   Last week we visited the monument "Motherland".  
   Statue "Motherland", which stands in Kiev on the right bank of the Dnieper. It is a part of exposition of the "National Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." that was opened in 1981, on the Day of Victory complex was opened by CPSU General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev.
   The sculpture is installed on the Dnipro River, so the figure of the motherland is visible even from the most distant points of Kiev. An interesting fact is that the height of the monument exceeds the height of the monument to the Statue of Liberty in America. The monument is 4th lagest statue in the world, when the Statue of Liberty is only 6th. 
  The sculpture of the Motherland from the pedestal to the tip of the sword reaches 62 meters and overall height with pedestal is 102 meters. In one hand she has a 16-foot, 9-ton sword in the other - shield size 13 by 8 m that weigs 13 tons with the coat of arms of the Soviet Union on it. Skeleton sculpture begins at a depth of 17.8 m, which takes concrete well diameter of 34 meters. The total mass of all-welded construction reaches 450 tonns. There are working elevators in the middle of the statue.
  The author of the statue Motherlad is the sculptor Eugene Vucetic, author of Stalingrad memorial . But in 1974, Vucetich died. Order had to go to the famous sculptor Nikolai Tomsky from Moscow, but he refused. Work on the monument continued Boroday Basil, who led the team, which included sculptors Sagoyan Fried, Vasil Vinaykin and architects Victor Elizarov, George Kislyi, Nicholas Feshchenko.
    The original draft went throught a lot of changes. For example, on a Vuchetich plan statue a kind of "grew" from the metal stele at chest level. But the Motherland is presented in full growth. Vucetic outlined to make the main entrance to the complex from the embankment of the Dnieper. After passing lane with figures of soldiers and guerrillas, the visitors would enter a special tunnel, which displayed the most tragic pages of the war - the concentration camps and mass executions. However, in reality, the primary enterance is taken from the side of the monastery, the so-called "tunnel of horrors" was not constructed .
   There also have been proposals to make the monument less militant - for example, instead of the sword give the woman in one hand a bowl of eternal fire. But in the end did as outlined Vucetic: shield - in one hand and a sword - in the other. 
   There are a lot of rumors and legends about the monument to Motherland in Kiev.
  According to one of them, once at the stage of construction work on the construction of the monument, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Vladimir Shcherbitsky called the Metropolitan of Kiev, saying that he had a vision. In no case can not raise the sword, which is a symbol of the war above the cross (a symbol of humility) Lavra Bell Tower, located nearby, as is inevitable when war breaks out. According to one version that is why  it was decided to shorten the sword of the motherland on 12 meters. However, the architects argue that this is done for a balance between architectural structures of the museum of the Great Patriotic War and Lavra.
  There is another legend connected with the monument. Even before the opening of the monument to the people were speading rumors that a block of metal - is the creation of a demon, and a place for it is not accidental - Black Mountain, over which even the birds do not fly. Whether by coincidence, or by the will of the unknown forces the daughter of the sculptor V. Beard, who gave the monument  her face, fell seriously ill and quickly died.
  Today, museum visitors have the opportunity to take on the lookout Wake up to a height of 32 and 90 meters. From the monument you can admire beautiful view of city.
  The prices are 50 UAH for 32 meters and 200 UAH for 90 meters, plus 10 UAH - enterance free to the Museum.

  We can organize a personal excursion for you so you can see the sculpture Motherland with your own eyes, just contact us.

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